Kotak Mahindra Bank FAStag KYC Update Online

Colon these simple steps to get your KYC update within 4 working days ensuring smooth to Toll Plaza Crossings with no recharge limits. The member, the deadline is March 31st so at fast.

Kotak Mahindra Bank FAStag KYC Update Online

To update your Kotak Mahindra Bank FAStag KYC online you will need the following:

  • Your state mobile number for your FAStag
  • Your pan card
  • Your Aadhar card

How to update Kotak Mahindra Bank FAStag KYC online

Visit the Kotak Mahindra Bank FAStag website at https://fastag.kotak.com.

Click on the Log In button.

Enter the registered mobile number and password.

Click on the My Profile tab.

Click on the KYC tab.

Click on the update KYC button.

Follow the instructions on the screen to upload your documents.

Click on the submit button.

Your KYC will be verified and updated within whore working days. You will receive an email and SMS notification when your KYC is updated.

Instruction loading documents:

To upload your PAN card click on the PAN card tab.

Enter your PAN card number and click on the upload button.

A new window will open. click on the Choose file button to select your PAN card image.

Click on the open button.

Your PAN card image will be uploaded.

To upload your Aadhar Card click on the Aadhar Card tab.

Enter your Aadhar card number and click on the upload button.

A new window will open. Click on the Choose File button to select your Aadhar card image.

Click on the open button.

Your Aadhar card image will be uploaded.

To upload your photograph, click on the photograph tab.

Click on the Choose File button to select your photograph.

Click on the open button.

Your photograph will be uploaded.

Jay seamless FAStag with upgraded KYC. Don’t forget, it’s not just mandatory it unlocks benefits like faster transactions and enhanced security.

FAQs on Kotak Mahindra Bank FAStag KYC Update

What is the KYC status of my FAStag?

You can check the KYC status of your fasting by logging into the Kotak Mahindra Bank FAStag website. Click on the my profile table and then click on the KYC tab.

Is it mandatory to upgrade my FAStag wallet to Full KYC?

Yes, it is mandatory to upgrade your Fastrack wallet to Full KYC by March 31, 2024. If you do not upgrade your KYC, your faster will be deactivated.

How will upgrading my FAStag wallet to Phool KYC affect my usage?

Upgrading to Phool KYC will not affect your usage of your first tag. You will still be able to use your first day to pay for tall fees at all Plazas.

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Amitesh Raj

नमस्कार दोस्तों, मैं Mr. Amitesh Bedia, Hintwebs वेबसाइट का ओनर और ऑथर भी हूँ, मुझे किसी भी तरह की जानकारी साझा करना बहुत अच्छा लगता है, चाहे वो टेक्नोलॉजी से जुड़ी हो या नॉलेज की बातें या फिर इन्टरनेट से जुड़ी कोई बात हो सिखने और दूसरों को इसे जुड़ी समस्याओं को दूर करना ही मेरा लक्ष्य है.